David Schaper | President | Benchmark Wealth Management CA
David Schaper – President, Benchmark Wealth Management

We are extremely proud to specialize in serving those that serve us. When you’re dedicated to protecting and serving others, some aspects of your own life can be overlooked. We get it and are here to assist. 

Most people don’t pursue a career in Public Service for the money. However, with a bit of planning, an early, long, and comfortable retirement can be what’s awaiting you after your last shift.

Whether it’s ensuring that the appropriate insurance safeguards are in place to protect your family or navigating the complexities of your pension, Health Savings Plan, Deferred Compensation and Social Security, we have the tools, experience, and desire to partner with you and help guide you towards creating the financial security that you deserve. 

In the midst of chaos, first responders remain steadfast, becoming beacons of stability and comfort.” - Unknown